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Heather's Story: Love Unimaginable


My name is Heather and life is a wonderful adventure! I am truly blessed to be a mother of an amazing three year old little boy! He is the beat to my heart and my heart is so full of love and gratitude. I am incredibly blessed!

In this blog I will be sharing tips and observations about my pregnancy, my emotional and physical well being, and the importance of knowing you matter and are worth it! I am a single mom and learn my worth more and more each day! I am in an amazing chapter of my life and look forward to sharing more with you.

Unexpected Love

Everyone deserves a chance at this great adventure called life! I believe everyone is made at the exact time they are supposed to exist, to leave their unique fingerprint on the world. For me not having my child never entered my mind. I wanted to be a mom and to have this precious baby!

Emotionally I feel love that I never thought was imaginable. My heart is so full and to see the joy and wonder of a toddler is amazing. We tend to lose that simplicity when we get older, and it is a beautiful reminder. Physically, being a mom keeps me active and that is a good thing. I have a job where I sit and am on the computer so to have the balance of a toddler to run around with is beneficial in a multitude of ways. Psychologically, emotionally and physically: I am better than I could have ever imagined. The wonder, the joy, the play and the love of a little one is indescribable. I love being a mom.

Emotional Well-being and Abortion

Abortion was never part of my story and I am thankful for that. It is not my place to judge anyone that has made that choice, but I can only imagine the trauma and aftereffect of going through something like that. Of remembering that a little person, a beautiful creation from God, could have been brought into the world, and then having the life cut off before it even had a chance to begin, must eventually have a tremendous effect on a woman's overall health.

I know people who have gone through abortions; and hearing the regret and remorse after the abortion was unforgettable. The "What ifs..." and "What could have beens..." It was sad to hear the pain and see it on their faces.

Everyone deserves a chance to be alive and feel the wonders of the world. If someone is not ready to be a parent there are alternatives. There are people out there, who are not able to have children and would love to be able to adopt a beautiful little baby. There is other help available, resources like The Open Door Pregnancy Center that will help someone if they are frozen in fear due to financial or other pressures.


Contact Us

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 5053

Toms River, NJ 08754

Center Address:

533 Lakehurst Road

Toms River, NJ 08755

Phone: 732-240-5504

Donation Drop Off: Please call

to schedule a donation drop

off appointment. This will help

us ensure client confidentiality.

Thank you.

Office Hours

Monday: 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

Tuesday: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Wednesday: 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Thursday: 11:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Friday/Saturday/Sunday: CLOSED

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The Open Door Pregnancy Center believes you have a right to accurate information from a resource that will not profit from your pregnancy decision. We are an alternative resource that does not perform or refer for abortion. The information on this website is for educational purposes only.

This site provides information to the community of volunteers and supporters of the Open Door Pregnancy Center of Toms River, NJ.
Copyright © 2021 The Open Door of New Jersey. All rights reserved.

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